Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hello W2KR ATC

Hello W2KR ATC
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Well, hello out there, and today we have a fine show planned for you! What?!!! Someone has offed with me music! In truth, I don't know how to
put a music link on hoping the great maestro Michael might throw something on!?
Was totally blown away to receive a self-portrait I had admired from mailartist, artist, and flickr-pal Art Nahpro! Took it to the framers yesterday so that it will be done justice and properly protected. Should have it in 3 weeks and will probably show here. Thank you, is excellent!
Have been in touch with flickr friend Al...who recently left flickr. He is indeed ok, just needing to "get things under control". Very easy to spend the entire day chatting with people, checking out each others artwork and such. Have rather made a pact with myself to spend less time here and more time do something creative. Plus there is something immensely satisfying about grubbing around in the dirt, making things grow. Neighbors wild raspberries have rooted all along our fence and into the birds sunflower patch. Ohhhh, I do love those berries so me and the birds shall have to sort that out!
Jonathan spent last week down at the cape...looked out the window and there was this BIG fox in the yard! It was leary, but still stayed around to sun and be photographed. Surprised it let them get as close as he did. He was perfectly really strange rabies type behavior. Eventually he eased back to the wooded area.
Yesterday, Jon walked in with a gorgeous bouquet of yellow roses for surprise. Since it has been spewing rain the last few days, they add sunshine inside. Thank you, Sweetie-doo! Yes, I lapse into those little names around here...he only occasionally rolls his eyes!
Well, time to get going...W2KR signing off. Wherever you are, here's to you!


Blogger Roger Stevens said...

So much to do in the garden.
No one on the list - dig the vegetable plot. The seeds are growing fast...

Numbers one to a trillion include cleaning out the pond, weeding the borders, tying up the climbers - especially the rose round the front door, repairing the cracked paving and path, repairing the little roof on the well, getting rid of the huge lump of garden waste, cutting the hedge... hey ho.

But - and this is my new mantra - one thing at a time and don't worry about the rest.

8:58 AM  
Blogger sylviasometimes said...

Roger, a great mantra! Oh, way too much to do but it gets done and you have to admit it all gives you a certain pleasure...have visions of you wading the pond and returning the Green Man! could be stuck in concrete city...pitiful little attempts at greenery about...yeah, they say, the potted tomato has given up 10 little cherries! See the point? Oh well, if you don't cut the hedge then the neighbors shall strain their necks to see what you are up to. Common nature. So if people start appearing with neck braces...hehe...Anyway, looking forward to the finished product of your music. Like the new, though I seemed to have forgotten it! Well, remedy is get it out so we can we can once again hear the one and only Roger Stevens at his best!
Cheers, then!

12:01 AM  
Blogger swapatorium said...

Hi Syl! I love this collage. Your ATCs just get better and better, if that's possible. I sent you and Jon a box of goodies today. Hopefully, you will receive them early next week. :-)

11:07 AM  
Blogger sylviasometimes said...

Hey, Angelica, and I dropped you a card in the mail earlier today! Thanks for the compliment on ATC...but I am really missing YOUR work. But you know best! We will let you know when your packet arrives...and we both send you a big hug!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Roger Stevens said...

We don't have neighbours.

Just two songs to mix.

Wonky Finger

He shoot 7-Up.

7:35 PM  

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