Monday, October 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Wow, how could a month have passed?! So poor Jonathan has sneezing wheezing and been all out of sorts the last few days, but finally came back to life! Meanwhile the idiotic administrators at work seem to care nothing about patient care and pile up more paperwork on's frustrating! But hey, we had a gorgeous snow...light fluffy...wonderful to walk about in snapping pictures. Tonight we've had visits from dracula, samurai, and evil souls...with a fluffy bear and Ninja Turtle thrown in. Too funny to see the grown men around racing to give the treators goodies...they are kids themselves & it's lovely.
Well, the door bell is ringing again so off I go...Wherever you are, don't let the ghouls get ya!


Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

Nice to see you back blogging again after a lapse Syl. Having a few blogs myself I seem to have neglected some more than others. I'm amazed really that you find time with all your nursing and other commitments.
The pesky house wabbit Flo is typing her memoirs again or maybe just drinking a few gallons of water- such a noise! Archie is nearly ready for school. better go and see him off.

3:26 AM  
Blogger sylviasometimes said...

Thanks, Michael...I'm trying to be better at it.
Now whatever would you do without Ms Wabbit to remind you there's work to be done?!
Hope Archie is settling in well and realises his own good behavior & work are merits in themselves.

9:26 AM  

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