Rain, rain go away...but
if the choice is snow, please stay!
So slogged off to Staples to resupply printer ink, to the off-license to stock up on holiday spirits, the the post office...hey, John Wayne stamps!
After 2 very expensive trips to the vet for Kat who quit eating, she's on antibiotics and is chowing down. Hooray!
Then to the market just because I like things to be fresh.
Home...taking photos...one of this thimble. Oh stop groaning, Michael! I know you don't fancy them! But this one is special...hand-painted for me by an artist friend who has since died. Tom was originally from UK, had an outrageous wit, and I miss the bloak. He would think bloak was the nicest thing I called him! He also painted larger on canvas pieces and was working on one with Irish gardens, his beloved cat, birds...all things we each loved. He wrote me right before he went to hospital last time saying he couldn't finish the painting...but was including a few ladybugs for luck. Soon after he died; his lovely wife K posted the painting to me...When I took it to the framers, John offered to finish parts of the trees and roses for me. As his work is wonderful I was tempted, but felt I only wanted Tom's hand there. Someday I'll show this picture also...but for now it's still too close to the heart.
Anyway...as I cleared & cleaned for the Christmas tree, I was drawn to this tiny thimble. Reminded me that something does not need to be big to be dear.
So soon, holiday lights everywhere! And we happen to live in a neighborhood that really lights up!!! More pics to show later.
Roger, if you see this...check yer rabbit site for CD order...friendly reminder! ;-)
As for dreams...well, I think they are our subconscious talking to us...bits and pieces reminding us of things that "registered" emotionally or however. I forget most of mine too, Michael...there must be a reason? Oh, can imagine Archie does have vivid ones with his lively spirit! And he's young enough to remember...remember?
My Christmas wish?...good health to family & friends...Peace.
Some printer ink would be nice too...lol. Oh man...that just reminded me of John Lennon's "So This Is Christmas" song...one of all time favorites!