Monday, January 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Come on...we all have our weaknesses! And who, looking in that mirrow in the morning doesn't ask a question or two?
What happened last nite? What happened last year?! What happened to bring me there to here?
Life is short...

Saturday, January 29, 2005

He's Our Darlin'

He's Our Darlin'
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Big Al Davies has a big talent...plays too many instruments & fooled me...thought he had the band there...was him! He also has a great sense of humor and let me terribly collage him here. Sort of an ongoing joke between several of we more outrageous folks.
Michael Leigh first introduced Jon & me to blogging...and it's been such a fantastic way to connect to others, mostly but not always, involved in art. Using my definition of art...anything anyone creates. It's also mind-boggling to connect to people world-wide so instantly...I struggle because it is very satisfying to see things "in progress" yet even more so to get REAL mail where who knows what it might contain. Mailart, to me, is correspondence with a twist...a person's response to any given subject. In it's way, it documents today's world. Whoa, not such uneventful times either!
Back to daily living...well we went to Chinatown...had dim sum...not sure what a single thing I ate was...don't ask, don't tell...but thoroughly tasty and fascinating place to "people watch"...I did notice as we made our way back to the car that no dogs were to be seen in this neighborhood! Over to the Institute of Contemporary Art to catch a show on Artists Painting Artists...really interesting Nan Goldin film clip on her "Queens" series...from a period when she lived with several sexually altered men into stunning women...these were rich and felt intimate...later, after formal training she was advised to go back and re-shoot some of these subjects using wide-lens, filters, and other more professional tools. They lacked the energy and close insight...for she no longer had the personal contact she needs to make her wonderful pictures.
There's the old saying I've heard about have to write about something you know...and I really think it applies in art, music, any medium.
Afterwards, several collage efforts to try to compose...and a decision to separate my work into distinct catagories...strictly cut and paste, multi-medium, and those digitally manipulated as I love what Gursky has accomplished.
By the way, my computor knowlege appears to be nil when it comes to HTML language. Anyone know where the heck you put the "code" from Flickr on the blog template? Keep moving it around but messes up the alignment! HELP!
Buz Blurr has new mailart call...Ed Giecek already has fab entry...still mulling here...could be worse, could be mulleting.
Til later, not a bad night to do the Rolling Thunder Revue.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My Big Feet

My Big Feet
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
ok, it was a choice between
my big feet and my big mouth.
Yes, snow is's
also cold enough to freeze a
witches and if
I shovel one more load I'm gonna
enter the next Charles Atlas look-alike.
Peter Wolf is crooning...the man is
good, no doubt about it! Actually ran
almost literally into him coming out of
the grocers a few weeks back but left the man in peace...besides he NEEDS to eat more. Want a good listen? Fools Parade is lovely. Poetry in music...reminds me of Roger Stevens, who does such an interesting mix of both. Roger, feed the poor can share those peanuts!
Eleven bean soup stewing away...and nae, I didn't count...would they lie, I ask? Oh sure, that's "marketing"...
Also wondering why some market research has sent me a years supply of spray bathroom cleaner! Have the neighbors been complaining? All together now..."we love chemicals, yes we do...we don't care what harm you do"...oh yeah, a little crecendo there please.
Something you should do...enter the International Mailart Show...PANAFEST 2005-GHANA, West Africa. Theme...the fight against HIV/AIDS. A little upset that a bit of education and available medication could save lives...well they won't get either unless the wale raises high enough and here's yer chance. Questions? email me...we can and have actually made a difference at pressure, lol.
As I sit next to the air-conditioner that I've plasticised, toweled, and finally slung a beach towel over to keep away those nasty snot stalagtites,
I say...somewhere in this universe it must be at least 20 degrees...ahhhhhhh, heat wave. If you live there, toast your buns...well of course I meant hotdog buns! Snuggle up...Baby, it's cold outside!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
this was my last photo of Kat...after emergency visit to vet yesterday she only we went back for the last time. I started to delete this picture but she made us laugh & made us love her...silly Kat. I miss you

Monday, January 24, 2005

Whiteout 2

Whiteout 2
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
What do ya forecasters got it right! The blizzard came...and came. Eerie driving into work the first night(spent the night there and was almost a 36 hr deal)...wind whipping snow haphazardly so when one could see, it was almost impossible to tell where the road, the sidewalks, and ditches were...a true white landscape. I felt nervous, aware of the danger, yet found I could maneuver and do well in challenging conditions. During the next 24 hours at hospital, I was so proud of a staff determined to see our patients got the care they needed. Back home, a bit weary but welcomed by Jonathan, life back to normal...not that either of us is normal. He dug out of his spot, only to have someone else run out and place their chair in his spot to reserve it for themself! Back again from errands, for the 3rd time, Jon dug a spot to park. Later, he dropped Kat & me off at the vet as there was nowhere to park, retrieved me...then walked to the Plough! A totally pleasant walk, he informed me...with lots of comments on his new "wooly hat".
Well, Archie surely would have found use for his sled here...maybe one day.
Meantime, no chestnuts to roast, Michael (OH, you did make them sound yummy)...but perhaps one Irish coffee to warm the spirits, a hearty meal to come as we watch Fear Factor...and all is cozy enough.
Take care all!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Welcome To Planet Artichoke

A wild & hairy coupla days! 5 PM last nite, Jon calls saying his van just went kerplunk...mind you there's a snow storm out there and temp near zero. He had called AAA who said they would be there in 30 or so minutes. One hour later, he's still sitting there. More calls, more promises. Two hours later, still sitting. He wouldn't leave the vehicle because it was in a tow zone! Three hours later, I drove over to where he was hoping to at least give him a warm place to wait. Just as I arrived, so did the wrecker. Jon hopped in my car, feet frozen. We met the wrecker at Vinny's, making sure all was secure then finally home at 9:30 PM. A late dinner, bit of TV then read outselves into oblivion.
Up this van for today so his work day shot. Mailed off Gee Whiz to Roger (a collaborative collage booklet with Roger Stevens & A1wastedpapiers), then we ran errands. Jon bought more birdseed and it's been like "INCOMING!!!" every since. Don't know how they survive out there! Finally he drove to the Plough while I worked on collages & mail. That darn cat (I say that with love) has stopped eating again! It's feast or famine with her so to vets...again...tomorrow.
Hey, hey, hey...did I mention it was the speakers and not the new computor that needed replacing. So thanks to Pro Sound I can again enjoy Bootsalesounds!!!
Time to start dinner...sorry vegetarians, but that hen is going into the pot without guilt...well, only a little!
One last thought...know that classic Christmas song, supposed to offer comfort, called "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire"? Does anyone ever EAT the things? I've only heard of them being used as weapons...strung together and used to bop people!
Wherever you are, stay warm & safe...and if you see AAA, stick out yer tongue...but only if you're not waiting for them to pick you up!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

This Can't Be Happening

Well, after all the dust settled, I ended up
getting a new HD with loads of memory...what?
Can't hear you! Evidently the sound isn't working
as even cranked up to deafening, there is this little
whispering noise! Will probably have to return &
replace but not today.
Made a collage for CK...Michael's theme of "SpaceRace"
or "Superstition"...not at all pleased with it but will
have to do for now...will post when flickr is back up.
Reading from "Collage...The Making of Modern Art" by Brandon
Taylor. It's not a "how-to" book but more the history of
collage that one might have as the text used for course.
It's excellent...a gift from Jonathan.
Entered self-protrait on mailart project that will eventually
go to The Scribe in NJ.
Up to the market as we have another winter storm warning
in effect for tonite...wish some of it would blow Archie's way!
Our friend Rick stopped in the beautiful Bershires
these days . He gave us a Warron Zevon CD he had burned with
The Wind & other good songs from the past...GREAT listening.
Our area here looks like a giant kettle of bubbling stew...ingredients
visable for a minute then lost to the bottom of the heap again. With
an occasional stir.
Ed Gieceks site is bringing in really great work for the happy64birthday
bobdylan site, I see! May include one of his inserts for the mail call on flickr as
they were really great in themselves.
Off to do errands now...
What better way to spend a cold blustery day, than by creating something
new...a poem, a picture, a scrapbook, a collage...whatever you fancy!
Take care, all.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Call of the Night collage

Days at an is aside...imagination says...
let's take a ride.
Reading Accordian Crimes...
locale New Orleans so far...
a place I know well or thought I understand it better.
And what are you doing now?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

One and All We Danced collage

test run here to see if
things are straightened out
or I just need to do a new blog...