Monday, September 20, 2004

Mister...Is them yo'r Walking Shoes?

I've discovered that packing for vacation is just like moving! You think everything is packed and ready to go ...except just those few more things. Only to find out you've boxes & boxes left to go! So early this morning feet hit the floor running. Jon off in his van to go pick up U Haul truck to pick up art for a presentation. Ring...ring...NO place to park!#@! So back he comes and I drive him over. Ring...ring...left the book with contact numbers at home...give him info. Finally able to wash Sue...can't have her off to camp all smelly (daring phone to ring whilst I'm up to my elbows in suds & dog!). Done! Send off last few bills with quick walk to the post office. Back to pick up car for run to market....tins & tins of food for Kitty & Sue, bangers & mash makings for us. Another walk to the bank as the US dollar stands very poorly next to the Euro! Down to the cellar for another load of wash...ring...ring. Race up the stairs to catch the darn thing as Jon has not had the best of days. He has to make unplanned trip out to Concord to resupply his men...will be later than thought getting home. Quickly run down to cellar, throw in the clothes, then resurface. Clean out fridge tossing anything which may spoil, run the dishwasher, then time for lunch. Ugh, nothing appeals. Rethinking what I should pack as it's turned decidedly chilly here and Michael mentioned to Jon was windy and coolish there. Don't know why I am's that time of year. What happened to summer?!!! Can't avoid the computer addiction so quickly check blogs, e-mail. Found great suggestions for poetry books from Roger :-) . Noticed Archie's site is coming along nicely! Each site has treats but need to get going here again. Had email from my coffee supplier that Pecan- flavored coffee is now available....sounds NASTY!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Needle Stick...a nurses nightmare

Did Charge Nurse of the floor today...all seemed to be rocking along...typical day. Then at 10:00 one of my nurses approached me, eyes full of fear and holding out her hand. "I've had a needle stick." The safety needle which is supposed to retract had failed, she didn't notice, and jabbed her finger after an injection to a patient with a questionable lifestyle. Though many improvements have been made for safety, it still happens. We sent her off to another lab for bloodwork(baseline). Needed as proof that she had no disease at the time, in case, God forbid, hepatitis or HIV should later happen. After patients consent, same labs drawn from him. I know until his labs return negative she will not sleep well and will be in fear. It is the nurses nightmare. We each took on her patients and the day progressed well until almost the end of the shift...chest pain...ekg showed changes... stoke patient having probable MI! Family arrived just as it occurred..good thing...and we sent her off acutely to nearby ER. Thanks to excellent staff it was caught early and I think patient will be fine. Change of to hand over a stable group. Another day done. I want to think about my vacation as I am now officially off for 3 weeks...but that will come later tonite. For now, I ponder the day.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Accordian Man

The Accordian Man
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Worked today...first up had to crush a hand full of pills & mix in orange sherbert for one of my "children" there. Thirty minutes later they were still in her mouth. More encouragement...Swallow, swallow. Hour later (finally had to run, give other patients their meds then back to check on her), she nodded she had swallowed them. Open up, I say...only to watch the whole shebang spill over the front of her. Turning into Nurse Ratchet...little nobs budding on my head. Close to calling the Psych dr...not for her, for ME! Rest of the day sped by...and soon I was stopping by a local store for supplies when I noticed great display of Halloween costumes, masks, scarey lights to hang about. Remembering the excitement each year as a kid...What will I be this year? Princess, gypsy, black cat...on & on. Was the one time a year I could smear all the makeup and grease paint I wanted! Would be arrested now, so take pictures of all the little tricksters visiting...and they all beam in THEIR choices!
Wanted to show a special guy (above) who has been around the Plough forever & manages to turn up at most parties. Not many songs he doesn't know...just kind of bows his head for a sec...then fingers start punching buttons with the accordion heaved open wide. Then, he's off on the song. A wonderful character and a gentleman.
Chilly, rainy here...not complaining as the hurricanes have been devastating. Think I'll go give Michael's Boot song site a try now (sorry I referred to it in your blog as Floss! gets confused...ha.)

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Kinder Egg Toy 1

Kinder Egg Toy 1
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Latest Kinder Egg toy...should have shot on lighter background to show it's propeller which I liked. Great colors on this little guy. Jon home...I said, "Hi, honey...where's the camera!" He puts up with alot!

Chez Moi Encore

Chez Moi Encore
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Thought I'd throw in a pic of my lentil soup...I photograph for a group that does the same sort of thing. Wanted to take shot of egg toy but Jon must have wizarded away the digital so later. Began reading Durrell's Travel Reader...wondered if it might be true, as he suggested, that one could remove all the people from a country, say France, & fill it with people from another culture...then 2 or 3 generations down you would again have the French culture there. That a culture is largely influenced by it's landscape.
Checked Roger's site...I love Charles Bukowski. But nothing better than hearing HIM read his work...his inflections give more life to his words, and he has a brilliant voice for it. Also enjoy reading some childrens books..especially for the illlustrations! A favorite is La Fontaine Fables by Adolph Born...just wonderful pictures. And is Wind in the Willows just for children? I think not!
As for music..ugh Phil Collins...never never! Have to admit I like almost any genre of music though...except hip-hop. Vivaldi, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison...very wide range. One thing I enjoy about Roger's poems is his ability to tell a story, bring such clear images to mind, and do it in so few words! It's like minimalist art...less but evokative. That's it for to work on pics. Jon just called and is back from NY, safely.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

He wore a great hat, Matt

Wild-willy morning!!! Jon supposed to get new tires for van...did, only to find out he needs new radiator. The tires were for his trip to NY today, but radiator wrecked that plan. So now he's reshuffling. Walked to bank to get money he will exchange for Euro's, then down to market for dinner supplies. Now he's off in my car so besides doing boring chores around here, I've been cooking, photographing the food for a group I'm in, and working on other pictures like the one here ( was attempting a comic book look). Playing really. Sue's eyeing me from the corner with a big goofy grin, snaggle-toothed. Yikes, I might look like that someday!!! Off to find busy work rather than do what I ought to be. Later.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

reggae tritute to dylan..

Jonathan had this incredible find which I'm sure he will blog & most likely send a song from to Michael...I just wanted to show the cover which is totally, totally cool. cheers

Two Brits & A Yank B&W Ink

Finally managed to join Bootsale but it wouldn't let me hear music! Will play with it later. Jon's off to the Plough and I'm looking through photos when found this old one and for a hoot, reworked. Listening to Keith Bates CD...really nice sounds & lyrics! Man came to check out leaking roof...trampled my hostas but what'cha gonna say?! Dreading work next 2 days as Charge Nurse still out so lucky me wins the doorprize. NOT what I want to think about on sunny Sunday. Out for a while to refill birdfeeder & see what comes...yuk...pigeons!!!! Ah finally cardinal & chicadees. Back inside, realise our PEZZ collection(new giant clown yesterday) is overtaking us...hey, what are these toys doing during the night! Off to see what I did wrong on Michael's site that kept me from hearing latest additions.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

The Family Gathering

Up early as I do to check out email & blogs...find out Hazel is launching new blog with mechanical toys/thingys which have always appealed. Then open new program to work on photo & computer crashes! Didn't panic, has happened before, & luckily able to restore without loss of artwork....biting nails though. Whew. No time to work further as we have to go to market to buy Hot Bean Dip ingredients. Back home, I prepare & cook as Jon races off to buy gift. He's back, & all is packed & ready to set off for last family birthday purchases then to his home. Was a wonderful day...each exchanging gifts then way too much food...and just swapping stories, catching up. Games of bocce..Jon's team won, although someone crowned a birdfeeder which harboured a wasp nest. A few squeals but no harm. Badmitton with all ages (6 to 50?) with the youngsters holding their own. Flowers blooming everywhere...lovely to see. Shared pictures with 2 their recently returned from cruise from Austria to Amsterdam...they have been to Italy also and thought Florence was a great choice for us. Sent home with home-baked pumpkin bread & oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Jon arrives determined to add links to his site. At one point he's jumping in the air, squealing ayyeeeeeee!!!! Frustration...but success. I jump on Michael's link to John Hegley, listen to "The Sound of Paint Drying"...wonderful. Loved listening to his voice, the occasional poem & even break into song. Had it all & will definitely revisit site. Dog sits on my sleeps on my pillow...Jonathan will likely hog the bed again...Life is good.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Knackered...but it's Friday to work to find out the Charge Nurse called out sick...quess who won the prize. Doctors orders then some..labs galore to eval & call & then more orders...admissions kept coming. Wow, it's over. Off to Jonathan's parents home tomorrow...thought it was going to be for the conglomeration of their birthdays...hard for his Mum to find a schedule that his large family can accommodate. Turns out mine will be included and Jon told my age...will shave him bald tonite! Meantime, will take a nice bean dip so off to the grocers first thing for ingredients then home to cook...sometime we have to do a bit of fast shopping for gifts for his Mum, Da, Sis, & Bro. Then try to make the hour trip in time to meet all. Wanna quess we will be on time? Intrigued by Michael's musical call for possible FLOSS. Think we have something he could use here...old great vinyl here. Impressed that some have been so quick to respond to FLOSS...might burn the midnite oil and try for something. See that Hazel has the school year to plan for...remembering when she was to do lectures a few years back...first time replacing an old professor.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Artist & Teacher

Artist & Teacher
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
The teacher never knows the extent to which he influences the student. I believe a teacher can change one's life path. Have any memories of one that offered just the encouragement needed...or that misplaced unimaginative one that didn't know what creativity was? This picture is of a rare man(not well cooked, mind you) who helped a young artist dare to experiment in bold design not only on canvas but in his life. Trips to the Amazon..Columbia...eventually to be filmed in a documentary (soon out) in Sweden. They gathered here to exchange stories, and I, little fly on the wall, took camera in hand. was work today. Walked into the lobby...what!!! little antique chairs in center of the lobby, with HUGE flower arrangement. Normally this is barren land! Up to my floor to discover "We have company coming today!". New buyer of our hospital complex. Man running around dabbing paint on the lunch in the cafeteria...where am I? Replacing all our institutional grey metal fold-up chairs are these red-brown stained curved chairs upholstered with aqua blue. Looked lovely...but expect tomorrow they will all be whiled away and back to the metal gray foldups. What a farce!!! Later found out administration almost seizured when some fat visitor flopped down in one of the dainty antique chairs! Mr Big Wig made the rounds...actually very presentable...then...back to normal. Found out I have to precept the new Nursing School instructor tomorrow prior to her bringing students in. No problem...she will be set for the new year. Back home...mail from Luciano in Rome. Maybe we will meet him there...he recommends enjoying Rome slowly. Probably right, but in two days think these feet will be in High Speed gear. Took off my "The Lesson" it again and thought...OUCH!!! Get! Rain pelted us what's that little packet hanging from the back fence post??? Ah, best neighbor in the world...loaded us up with zucchini, cucumbers, yellow tomatoes, and some peppers! World may be topsy-turvie...but the good guys are out there. By the way, quite enjoyed Archies "Beano" pages...and think it is brilliant that he is learning to d/l, and make a website. Oh dear...they seem so much smarter than we were at that age. Loved Hazel's comment to blame it on Grandpa...We may be getting older but we've something to give yet, I'd say. cheers...

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Your robot reminded me of this little fellow, Michael. Terrible flash glare but like him.

By Golly It's A Small World

Worked yesterday on the Studio 360 "Art of the Letter" mailart piece (for envelopes and/or postcards, I made an envelope), was looking on the Yahoo site for more info & who did I see but Michael's call for FLOSS. Then later on my flickr site & got message saying Luciano had added me as a contact. Went to check out his stuff...and where is he from? Rome, Italy! Also interesting comments re war in Iraq, which I responded to. Later was able to renew Drivers License on the internet, which saved a trip across town. One can only do that once every ten years...then you have to step up to the camera again. Also received a very nice birthday card & cheque from my Mum, but somehow it made me blue to see how frail her handwriting looked.(I am now back to white, thank you). Today my printer yelled at me to get color ink, so off to Staples. Amazes me that it cost more for black ink than color...why is that?! Checked out Roger's site to find THE RECIPE! Printed that off & will let you know how it turns out when I make it. Thank you, Roger! Then a trip to the market for goodies. Plan to stay now as the rain finally found us (from all the hurricanes along eastern coast). Good day to start reading "The Lawrence Durrell Travel Reader"...I've liked some of his other books. Finished "She's Come Undone", by Wally Lamb. A good read if a tad strange. Listening to "I, Jonathan" by Jonathan Rich. We've seen him perform and he gave an excellent, spirited show. Title of song now playing is "I was dancing in the lesbian bar"! Whoa!!! but hey, it's a catchy tune about doing the nightclub scene & realizing what he had walked into. So that's the state of the nation...or at least this little place I call home.

Monday, September 06, 2004

The Soccer King..

The Soccer King..
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
Today was brilliant in that the sun had that white-light resonance that happens this time of year. Cool temps...refreshing! Off later than we planned to Harvard Square...first to the Global Bookstore for maps & reading material about Rome. Then to a Thai restaurant for a different cuisine...way too much food offered on the plate but excellent fare. Shopping next and lucky for me Jonathan was about to help. Found a great jazzy pair of walking shoes (my toe was poking out the others) and then for a new lime green top which he found for me at 1/2 price. Perfect! Strolled around just taking in all the new kids arriving for Fall Semester...everyone had cameras snapping away, & I for a change had none. Finally, Jon walked me to the car as I still manage to get lost, then he off to the Plough and I back home to check out the German mailart site. Too many projects I want to get started on...never enough time. Will have to speak to God about that...only 24 hrs a day?!!! Got a new wav.-from the old Benny Hill Show...called Wacky Waaacky or something like that. Hilarious! And one of those silly toones that manage to stick in ones head! Til later...

Sunday, September 05, 2004

It's Captain Underpants!!!

Well, we get all kinds of request, and this one I accepted...but on my terms of freedom of expression. This particular guy just needed a bit of humor included. I'll show other shots from this photo shoot in a London pub later, but this one suits today.
Worked and managed to sort out the various problems that arose...then yeah!!! Three days off to enjoy & create havoc. Actually, need to finish up details for trip, pay bills, etc...but then I can play! Jonathan snoozes on the sofa...quick check of the garden yields a very lovely jewel-toned deep purple gladiola...snip & inside she comes. Stopped by the market on way home to get choices for dinner only to find Jonathan had done the same thing. Like his selections better so it's beeftec & frites tonite. Then in the mood for a hot game of scrabble. Jonathan usually wins but I give him a run for the money...and the winner gets to request something from the other. Oh!!! He can be a bad boy! Also got invite to join mailart group in Germany from Hans Braumuller. Nice but will do a bit of research before I agree. Think I'll do it get some work out and see what they have to offer! That's it so far, for today.

Friday, September 03, 2004

All That Jazz

All That Jazz
Originally uploaded by Sylvia...Sometimes.
All that talk about music made me remember this old piece I did. Inspired by a night of music with friends...talented bunch of crazies but I love them! Love it when Jonathan belts out "All Along The Watchtower"...Big voice for a skinny guy...but would make even Dylan take notice I think. What oh what would we ever do without music! Couack, Couack!

Success...sort of

Well, the blob is in the correct position, even if I had to give up my name for the shortened version. Seems strange for me to look at...hey! who's that?!! the end...saves the nubbies.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I Give Up!!!

OK...I've worked & worked trying to get the blogs up where they should be before fingers turn to nubs trying to get to the days blog. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Does anyone have an idea how to blogging fix this?!!!

Dellafiora envelope.jpg a

Sometimes getting mail can be such fun...even before you look inside the packet. One of the reasons I love mail-art. This is one I received from D. Dellafiora & I thought he did a brilliant job. Normally I would add something else then repost, going back & forth but this one I kept. Inside was a collage we've been working on. Brisk sunny day here...perfect for a walk about, running errands & hopefully a cheap find for upcoming trip. Discussed (argued with, according to Jon) upcoming election. Garden has a lovely coral Glad opening up...always fun to see results from your planting. At work we often get goodies from the families of patients but yesterday someone brought in a huge basket of lovely homegrown cucumbers! We laughed but that basket was empty in no time. Will have nice cucumber sandwich for lunch today! Off I go for errands...